Uluslararası Fen Araştırmalarında Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar Dergisi
Abbreviation: IJIASR | ISSN (Print): 2602-4810 | ISSN (Online): 2602-4535 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiasr

Cilt 5 Sayı 2 (Haziran 2021)

Sayı Bilgileri

Sayı Bilgileri | Uluslararası Fen Araştırmalarında Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar Dergisi Cil. 5 (2)
Issue Information

ss. i - vi   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiasr.2021.357


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Orjinal Araştırma Makaleleri

Orjinal Araştırma Makalesi | Uluslararası Fen Araştırmalarında Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar Dergisi Cil. 5 (2)
Genetic Diversity of Some Quercus (Fagaceae) and their Putative Hybrids in Turkey

Emel Uslu, Gözde Kibar & Mehmet Tekin Babaç

ss. 29 - 44   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiasr.2021.357.1


In the study, Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) method was used to identify and differentiate between twelve different white oaks to show their genetic diversity. On the other hand, interspecific hybridization is quite common among oak species. This situation makes the hybridization between closely related parents possible. Besides genetic diversity of some white oaks, the five putative hybrids which are morphologically indistinguishable were also studied. ISSR markers produced a total of 89.71 % polymorphism with Quercus taxa and a total of 175 bands were revealed by 11 ISSR primers. Statistical analysis software’s, Minitab, NTSYS-pc (Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System) and POPGENE (Population Genetic Analysis) software’s were used to reveal variations between these white oaks. Effective allelic frequency, Shannon index, genetic distance was calculated by the POPGENE software. The most distance taxon was Q. pontica, then Q. vulcanica found to be genetically distant among the taxa. The results of the two analyses, cluster (CA) and principal component (PCA) are in correlation with each other and giving four groups among the studied oak taxa. Putative hybrids are usually located between their presumed parents in the dendrogram and graphs. Consequently, this preliminary study showed that ISSR markers can be used with confidence for genetic diversity of white oaks. It can also be helpful for putative hybrids to some extent.

Anahtar Kelimeler: hybridization, ISSR, PCA, polymorphism, white oaks

Orjinal Araştırma Makalesi | Uluslararası Fen Araştırmalarında Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar Dergisi Cil. 5 (2)
Meniskopatili Hastalarda Patellar Tendonun Shear Wave Elastografi ile Değerlendirilmesi

Mustafa Altın, Nazli Gulriz Ceri, Ersen Ertekin, Engın Tastaban & Gizem Sakallı

ss. 45 - 60   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiasr.2021.357.2


Diz eklemi gibi kompleks ve yaralanmaya müsait olan bir eklemde yapıların birbiri ile uyumlu çalışması önemlidir. Meniskopati sonrası bu uyum bozulduğunda eklem biyomekaniği olumsuz etkilenecektir. Diz ekleminin stabilitesinde önemli olan ligamentum patella (LP)’yı meniskopati sonrası değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Çalışmamızda 18-45 yaş arasında olan 36 kişinin, 62 dizi değerlendirilmiştir. Manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) sonuçlarına göre menisküs lezyonu olan ve olmayan iki grup oluşturuldu. LP’nin uzunluğunu MRG, kalınlığını ve ekojenitesini ultrasonografi (USG) ve elastisitesini de shear wave elastografi (SWE) ile değerlendirdik. Elde edilen verileri yaş, cinsiyet, vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ), egzersiz yapma, dominant taraf, sigara ve alkol kullanımı parametreleri ve Görsel analog skala (GAS), Western Ontario McMaster Üniversitesi osteoartrit indeksi (WOMAC) ve Pittsburgh uyku kalitesi indeksi (PUKİ) skorları açısından karşılaştırdık. Kontrol grubumuzda, LP’nin uzunluğu arttıkça elastisitesinin de artığını, dominant tarafı sağ olanlarda LP sertliğinin daha fazla ve LP’nin erkeklerde daha kalın olduğunu bulduk. Olgu grubumuzda, meniskopatinin görülme oranı erkeklerde daha yüksekti. Alkol kullananlarda LP’nin daha sert ve kalın olduğu görüldü. LP’nin kalınlığı arttıkça uyku esnasında ağrı skoru daha fazlaydı. Meniskopatili dize sahip kişilerde VKİ kontrol grubuna göre biraz daha yüksektir. LP uzunluğu ile elastisitesi arasında pozitif yönde bir ilişki vardır. Meniskopatili dizde LP’nin kalınlığı artarken uzunluğu ve elastisitesi anlamlı bir şekilde değişmemiştir. LP kalınlığındaki artış hareket ve uyku esnasında ağrıyı arttırmıştır.  Yaptığımız çalışma meniskopatili dizde LP’yi SWE ile değerlendiren ön çalışma niteliğindedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Articulatio Genu, Ligamentum Patella, Meniskopati, Shear Wave Elastografi.

Orjinal Araştırma Makalesi | Uluslararası Fen Araştırmalarında Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar Dergisi Cil. 5 (2)
A Research of Color and Fastness Values on Silk, Wool and Cotton Fabrics Dyed with Pulp of Oregano (Origanum onites) and Sage (Salvia tomentosa)

Menekşe Suzan Teker, Ömer Zaimoğlu & Kenan Turgut

ss. 61 - 71   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiasr.2021.357.3


One of the most important problems of natural dyeing is lack of raw material. In the recent years, researchers are aimed to solve the deficiency of raw material. The pulp of plants which are obtained from the steam distillation, are used as a dyestuff. We assume that the dyestuff in pulp of oregano and sage after steam distillation remain stable. Wool yarns and silk fabrics have been dyed in previous works done as a master and a Proficiency in Art thesis. The results were showed that our assumption is correct. Based on these results further researches were done. The textile materials were dyed with %100 of pulp of oregano and sage.  Mordant dyeing method was applied and three different mordant materials were applied with pre-mordant process. Alum [Kal(SO4)2.12H2O], ferrous (II) sulphate [FeSO4.7H2O] and potassium dichromate [K2Cr2O7] were used as a mordant and potassium bitartrate [KC4H5O6] as an auxiliary agent in alum mordanting. Rubbing (dry and wet) and washing fastness values were determined. Also the depths of shade were evaluated in terms of K/S and CIELAB colour difference values of the dyed fabric samples.

                        According to the results obtained from the dyeing, the capability of pulp of plants is adequate and will supply the lack of the dyestuff. While the colors obtained from silk and wool fabrics are more vivid and dark, the colors of cotton fabrics are quite pale. This study will allow other pulp of plants to be evaluated in this way.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Origanum onites, Salvia tomentosa, Natural Dye, Fastness, Color Values.

Orjinal Araştırma Makalesi | Uluslararası Fen Araştırmalarında Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar Dergisi Cil. 5 (2)
Diversity of Mollusc Vectors of Schistosomiasis in Miti-Murhesa Health Zone, Eastern of DRC, Kabare Territory

Aksanti Lwango Antoine, Pierre Mugisho Ciza, Neema Bora. S, Bwami Musombwa, Amani Lwango P., Bashona Cimanuka, Wakeka Kabyuma. C., Doudou Batumbo B., Wimba Kayange L. & Cubaka Kabagale A.

ss. 72 - 83   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiasr.2021.357.4


The main objective is to inventory the vectors of bilharziasis in the aquatic ecosystems of KABARE locally in Miti-Murhesa Health zone as well as other species of aquatic molluscs in order to activate the fight against this endemic disease of this region. A total of 2762 samples were collected during our investigation period in the aquatic ecosystems in Miti-Murhesa Health Zone. We carried out field work based on shellfish sampling using appropriate methods. This sampling was carried out in 12 different sites. After collect of samples, we identified the mollusc species using the indicated identification keys, counted them and compiled them in Excel software for statistical analyses using Past software. Thus, five species of aquatic molluscs were identified. These species are Biomphalaria pfeifferi, Bulinus globosus, Pisidium casernatum, B. forskalii and Lymnaea natalensis. The species Biomphalaria pfeifferi and Bilinus globosus are intermediate hosts of intestinal schistosomiasis and urinary schistosomiasis respectively; while Lymnaea natalensis is the intermediate host of fasciolosis. Depending on the frequency of species, Biomphalaria pfeifferi and Lymnaea natalensis are constant species, Bulinus globosus and Psidium casernatum are accessory species and finally B. forskalii is an accidental species.Depending on the sites prospected, one species of aquatic mollusc was abundant in the aquatic ecosystems in this area: Biomphalaria pfeifferi; three species are moderately abundant: Lymnaea natalensis, Bulinus globosus and Pisidium casernatum, and only one is rare: Tomichia ventricosa. All the prospected sites are diversified in aquatic mollusc species except the Kashekesheke site, but the 2nd  tarmaque site, Mulungu River and Kamulonge sites are thus the richest sites in aquatic mollusc species of Miti-Murhesa Health zone. The presence of these species clearly shows the risk of contamination of the population of Miti-Murhesa Health zone. These intermediate hosts of bilharzia are proliferating in the aquatic ecosystems of Miti-Murhesa Health zone; it is therefore important to recommend ways to reduce this proliferation. This study provides the basis for future ecological studies of the intermediate bilharzia host molluscs in this entity.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Diversity, Molluscs, Schistosomiasis, Vectors, Miti cluster, Kabare.

Derleme Makaleleri

Derleme Makalesi | Uluslararası Fen Araştırmalarında Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar Dergisi Cil. 5 (2)
Recent Developments on Aroma Biochemistry in Fresh Fruits

Murat Şeker, Mehmet Ali Gündoğdu, Neslihan Ekinci & Engin Gür

ss. 84 - 103   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiasr.2021.357.5


For fresh fruits to be consumed and relished, they have to stimulate the senses of taste and smell as well as have good visual properties. In terms of the consumption of a fruit, its aroma, which constitutes the taste and odor elements, is of major importance. Therefore, the wish of consumers to eat fresh fruits is largely due to their rich aroma. The components of aroma that are found in fruits, in very low concentrations, such as ppm or ppb, can easily be perceived sensorially. Flavor, usually composed of volatile compounds, is an important criterion that enhances the appeal of fresh fruits. The aroma in fruits is composed of dozens of compounds in different concentrations. Many researchers have reported that the components of fruit aroma are caused by aldehydes, esters, alcohols, lactones, ketones, terpenoids, and other chemical compounds. The features that make these volatile compounds significant and unite them at a common point are that, even in trace amounts, they are perceived by the senses, and play an extremely effective role on the quality of the fruit. Aroma formation and development takes place in fresh fruits under highly dynamic processes. In this review, aroma biochemistry in fresh fruits and the factors affecting this dynamic process are discussed.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Active aroma compounds, Aroma biosynthesis, Fruit quality.