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Aleyna Gün & Tutku Ak
Read to full textIJIASR is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on scientific principles in the field of science research. IJIASR aims to give priority to studies that bring an innovative perspective on current scientific problems.
Read more...All submissions will be reviewed initially by the editors for appropriateness to IJIASR. If the editor considers the manuscript to be appropriate, it will then double-blind peer-reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees...
Read more...First of all, thank you for choosing us to submit your manuscript to IJIASR. The instructions given below include the manuscript writing rules, the peer-review process and the prerequisites of the journal...
Original article Evaluation of BACTECTM FX Blood Culture System for Rapid Sterility Testing of Human Medicinal Solutions for InfusionFerhat Yıldırım, Umur Kumrulu, Elif Kumrulu, Esma Yazar, Meryem Kuşcu, Gizem Antika & Tugba Boyunegmez Tumer |
Original article Truncus Coeliacus ve Dallarının Embriyolojik Kökenli Varyasyonlarının AraştırılmasıHatice Kübra Başaloğlu & Hulki̇ Başaloğlu |
Original article Investigation of the Biological Activities of Colocasia esculenta L. Schottİrem Dağlar, İrem Akyol & Neslihan Demir |
Original article Farklı Rakımlarda Yetiştirilmiş Yenice Kırmızı Biberinin Kalite DeğişimleriHatice Nihan Çiftci, Mehmet Ali Gündoğdu & Kenan Kaynaş |
Original article Çanakkale’nin Eceabat Yöresinde Yetiştiriciliği Yapılan Zeytin Çeşitlerinin Pomolojik ÖzellikleriUğur Şahi̇n & Murat Şeker |