International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Science Research
Abbreviation: IJIASR | ISSN (Print): 2602-4810 | ISSN (Online): 2602-4535 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiasr

Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Science Research 2022, Vol. 6(4) 222-234

Natural Swimming Pools: Design and Implementation Principles

Aleyna Gün & Tutku Ak

pp. 222 - 234   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 31, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 112/653   |   Single/Total Download: 170/920


While natural (biological) swimming pools have started to become widespread around the world, particularly in European countries, it is a new development that has recently come to attention and practiced in Turkey. For this reason, scientific studies are mostly carried out in USA and Europe, which take into account the climate conditions and vegetation of those regions. The technology used in natural swimming pools is also quite diverse and has been privatized through private firms in practice.

The objective of this research is to identify the principles to be considered with the design and implementation of natural swimming pools, based on both scientific research and experience gained from implementation in Turkey. In this research, in addition to the literature review, face-to-face interviews were conducted with companies that implement natural swimming pools in Istanbul. The initial results of the research presented here can both guide local practices and contribute to the limited scientific literature in Turkey.

Keywords: Aquatic Plants, Biological Filtration, Natural Filtration, Nutrient Removal

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Gun, A., & Ak, T. (2022). Natural Swimming Pools: Design and Implementation Principles. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Science Research, 6(4), 222-234.

Gun, A. and Ak, T. (2022). Natural Swimming Pools: Design and Implementation Principles. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Science Research, 6(4), pp. 222-234.

Chicago 16th edition
Gun, Aleyna and Tutku Ak (2022). "Natural Swimming Pools: Design and Implementation Principles". International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Science Research 6 (4):222-234.

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