International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Science Research
Abbreviation: IJIASR | ISSN (Print): 2602-4810 | ISSN (Online): 2602-4535 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiasr

Review article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Science Research 2019, Vol. 3(4) 117-127

Principles and Applications of Recombinant Protein Production in Plants

Hatice Duman, Pınar Ulupınar, Gaye Pisiren, Zeynep Rumeysa Kaymaz & Sercan Karav

pp. 117 - 127   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 30, 2019  |   Single/Total View: 258/932   |   Single/Total Download: 370/1.748


Recombinant protein production has become a growing sector all around the world such as in therapeutic applications, pharmaceutical, agriculture etc. Although, a number of systems for protein expression have been developed and there is an increasing requirement for efficient methods of large-scale production. Therefore recombinant proteins are produced by various ways to generate large quantities for commercial and research applications in a different host such as in bacteria, yeasts, insects, and mammalian culture. Among these, plant systems are mostly preferred since they have a developed eukaryotic system. The expression of recombinant proteins in plants and plant cells has been promoted as an alternative cost-effective production platform.

In this review we described, challenges and advantages of plants as expression systems for proteins and discussed unique advantages of producing proteins recombinantly in different plants; tobacco, rice, and maize.

Keywords: Recombinant protein, protein expression, plants, tobacco, rice and maize

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Duman, H., Ulupinar, P., Pisiren, G., Kaymaz, Z.R., & Karav, S. (2019). Principles and Applications of Recombinant Protein Production in Plants. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Science Research, 3(4), 117-127.

Duman, H., Ulupinar, P., Pisiren, G., Kaymaz, Z. and Karav, S. (2019). Principles and Applications of Recombinant Protein Production in Plants. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Science Research, 3(4), pp. 117-127.

Chicago 16th edition
Duman, Hatice, Pinar Ulupinar, Gaye Pisiren, Zeynep Rumeysa Kaymaz and Sercan Karav (2019). "Principles and Applications of Recombinant Protein Production in Plants". International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Science Research 3 (4):117-127.

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